This three months’ course will provide a practical, theoretical and evidence based framework for understanding the nature and characteristics of trauma; and it’s potential to affect any dimension of the individual: physical, psychological, social, behavioral and spiritual. Through the use of relevant case studies, journals and assignments participants will be given opportunities to apply the principles learned and develop the attitudes, skills and personal characteristics necessary for being effective first responders to victims of trauma.
In our context there is much trauma which ranges from biological to natural causation. Participants who intend to expand their academic and practical knowledge in understanding the dynamics of responding to trauma are untrained/unprepared in handling the traumatic situations. As part of equipping participants to implement immediate solution to those in need of traumatic intervention, Responding to Trauma is offered as a short course.
As a result of taking this course, participants should be able to:
1. Describe key terms and concepts of trauma.
2. Identify the types, nature and characteristics of trauma.
3. Differentiate between the signs and symptoms of trauma and effects on diverse
4. Assess a variety of trauma counselling approach and techniques
5. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge, attitudes, skills and characteristics of an
effective first responders to victims of trauma through role play and/or
discussion of case studies, readings, and journals.
6. Identify the different resources for referral.